02 Set 2014

Our know-how at the service of law firms

Have you just returned from holiday and are already feeling nostalgic? Are you already missing the crosswords that took away your work worries? Does the thought of going back to the office, buried under records and documents, scare you? Don’t worry, AZ has the right solution for you!

From September 2014, AZ InfoCollection is starting a section aimed at the world of law firms, with dedicated information and services.

Particular attention will be given to two topics: the post-overdraft, or rather all those services that are useful when a disagreement arises, to evaluate the preliminary solvency of a person in order to avoid expensive and unsuccessful credit collection activity; commercial information, useful for evaluating in detail the economic and patrimonial situation of a person, examining their credit reliability.

AZ’s editorial and professional staff are already at work offering useful, interesting content, with the know-how that characterizes AZ.

If you have any queries, questions, or simply for further information, please contact us at (+39) 0030 02 76022442 or via email at info@azholdingspa.it . You can also contact us through our new contact channels: Skype (azholdingspa) and Whatsapp (+39 3490677056).

Keep yourself updated thanks to out Twitter account @azholdingspa and click Like on the AZ Facebook page.

Enjoy September!

02 Set 2014

AZ is present at NPL Meeting

NPL Meeting – Third edition of the International Workshop on the Non-Performing Loans Sector

Banca IFIS, in collaboration with Credit Village and PricewaterHouseCoopers, is organizing the third edition of the NPL Meeting, the International Workshop on Non-Performing Loans. The event is dedicated all players in the non-performing loans sector and it has become a benchmark in Italy. It will explore up-to-date information on the market, trends and key variables in the purchase and sale of non-performing loan portfolios.

The workshop will develop through an overview on the Italian NPL market and the European and International NPL scenario. The roundtables will focus on tangible and intangible elements to consider in the selection of potential buyers, on the pricing of NPL portfolios in Italy and Europe and on post deal issues.

The event will be held on the 19th of September 2014 in Villa Furstenberg, Banca IFISHeadquarter in Venice Mestre.


More information and the program of the day are available on the dedicated web site: www.nplmeeting.it


Gruppo Banca IFIS, Credit Village and PwC Italy


NPL Meeting – Third Edition


19 September 2014


Villa Furstenberg, Banca IFIS Headquarters, via Gatta11 – VeniceMestre (Italy)


NPL Meeting flyer

02 Set 2014

AZ partecipa al NPL Meeting

NPL Meeting – Terza Edizione del workshop internazionale sul settore dei crediti non performing

Banca IFIS, in collaborazione con Credit Village e PricewaterHouseCoopers, organizza la terza edizione di NPL Meeting, workshop internazionale sul settore dei crediti non performing. Si tratta di un evento di carattere internazionale, diventato ormai punto di riferimento per tutti i player del settore dei Crediti Non Performing. Verranno esaminati i dati aggiornati del mercato, le tendenze e le variabili chiave nell’acquisizione e nella vendita di portafogli di NPL.

La giornata si svilupperà con un introduzione sul mercato NPL in Italia e sullo scenario Europeo e Internazionale dei non performing loans, per proseguire con un’analisi sugli elementi tangibili e intangibili da considerare nella selezione dei potenziali acquirenti, e una successiva analisi sul pricing dei portafogli NPL in Italia e in Europa. Verranno inoltre affrontati e approfonditi i temi del post deal. L’evento si terrà venerdì 19 settembre 2014 presso Villa Furstenberg, Direzione Generale di Banca IFIS a Venezia Mestre.

Maggiori informazioni ed il programma dell’iniziativa sono disponibili il sito web dedicato: www.nplmeeting.it


Gruppo Banca IFIS, Credit Village e PwC Italia


NPL Meeting – Terza Edizione


19 Settembre 2014


Villa Furstenberg, Direzione generale di Banca IFISvia Gatta,11 – Venezia Mestre (Italia)


NPL Meeting flyer

02 Set 2014

The AZ joins the ELITE program

The AZ InfoCollection joins the ELITE program of Borsa Italiana

Presentation and listing on the Stock Exchange takes place today.

The Chairman, Mr. Restino: “An important period of growth and reinforcement has started”

Milan, 7 May 2014 – AZ InfoCollection S.p.A. is pleased to announce an important new step in the development it has enjoyed over recent years.

Borsa Italiana has accepted the company into the ELITE program where, alongside Italy’s leading firms, it will be accompanied in a journey of growth, change and leadership.

This prestigious entry was officially announced today at the Italian Stock Exchange, in the presence of the CEO, Mr. Jerusalmi.

AZ InfoCollection S.p.A. thus joins the select group of one hundred and thirty Italian companies in the ELITE program, all of which share a strong tendency for expansion.

Antonino Restino, Chairman of the AZ Group, spoke about his satisfaction with this admission and also about the plans for growth, stating that “in the transformation from a family business to a management company, ELITE represents a milestone in the journey of cultural and organisational change”. “The many industrial, financial and organisational capabilities needed for growth and development are constantly changing” adds Carmine Evangelista, CEO of the AZ Group. “ELITE is an excellent travelling companion in helping us to understand them and grow stronger as a result.”


The Group, which has offices in Milan, Naples and Rome, has major organisational skills and many decades of experience in flexible processes and solutions. Centralisation and control of information sources, combined with a huge proprietary database, make it one of the leading players on the Italian market in the sectors where it operates, with innovative and high-performing solutions.


The licences the Group holds and its ISO 27001 certified data protection and security system (it is the first Italian company in the sector to have obtained it) are further points of strength ranging across all Group activities, which have allowed it to obtain excellent and rapidly accelerating economic and financial results.



17 Lug 2014

Il nostro know-how al servizio degli studi legali

Siete appena rientrati dalle vacanze ma la nostalgia si fa già sentire? Vi manca già la fedelissima Settimana Enigmistica che vi ha fatto staccare dai pensieri di cause e documenti legali? Il pensiero di tornare in ufficio sommersi dalle pratiche e dalla burocrazia  vi spaventa? Tranquilli, ci pensa AZ!

A partire dal mese di settembre AZ InfoCollection aprirà infatti una sezione dedicata al mondo degli studi legali con informazioni e servizi dedicati.

Attenzione particolare sarà data a due temi: il post-fido, ovvero tutti quei servizi utili all’insorgere di un contenzioso, per valutare la solvibilità preliminare di un soggetto ed evitare una dispendiosa ed infruttuosa attività di recupero crediti; le informazioni commerciali, utili a valutare in modo dettagliato la situazione finanziaria e patrimoniale di un soggetto, vagliandone l’affidabilità e la solvibilità.

La redazione e i professionisti di AZ sono già al lavoro per offrire contenuti interessanti e utili, con il know-how che ci contraddistingue.

In caso di dubbi, domande o semplicemente per richiedere informazioni aggiuntive sarà possibile contattarci  via telefono al numero +30 02 76022442 anche attraverso i nuovi canali Skype (azholdingspa) e Whatsapp (+39 3490677056), che si aggiungono alla posta elettronica info@azholdingspa.it

Per rimanere aggiornato seguici su Twitter @azholdingspa e clicca mi piace sulla pagina Facebook AZ InfoCollection Spa.

Buon settembre!

21 Giu 2014

Prestiti, i più indebitati immigrati e donne

Carmine Evangelista, CEO di AZ InfoCollection, ospite alla puntata I Vostri Soldi (Class CNBC) del 20 giugno 2014.

Nella seconda parte della puntata il CEO del Gruppo delinea l’identikit degli italiani più indebitati.

Buona visione: